ORIENTATION for Church Partners

Step #1: Understand MULTIPLYNAZ BASICS

  • Be able to explain what MULTIPLYNAZ (MZ) is. It is not just church planting or church revitalizing programs, district support systems, a series of books, a series of websites, or a College of Ministry. It is first and foremost a “way of thinking,” focused on changing local church culture and district culture. It is aimed to achieve movement, helping churches break out of the status quo. (study the Movement page)

  • Be able to explain the 3 Values we practice (study the 3 Values page)

  • Be able to explain Nazarene Movement growth on average over the past 10 years, i.e. 27 new churches and 2,872 new members…every week…operating now in 163 countries/world areas.

  • Understand our feedback system to support our never-ending commitment to improve. Partners, Students and Faculty are all given access and encouraged to participate.

step #2: share an overview of MULTIPLYNAZ Resources

  • The goal of orientation Step #2 is for you to be able to share an overview of how MULTIPLYNAZ Resources are designed to be used by a Partner Church…with another church leader.

  • Understand there is a Book Series of 5 books. Know the location of the Book One 12 Movement Principles if you are summarizing the book with another leader.

  • Understand Book One is designed to be used in both pastors cohorts and local church small groups. There is a free downloadable Action Guide available in both English and Spanish for Partner Church use. The Action Guide is designed for shared leadership by every group member.


  • The goal of orientation Step #3 is to easily be able to overview the MZ College of Ministry with another leader.

  • The overview includes how to locate the College of Ministry website, learn Luke 24:32 and be able to communicate the MULTIPLYNAZ College vision - “training movement leaders with burning hearts” (Luke 24:32).

  • The overview includes understanding how the thinking of John Wesley has impacted the College and how the College trains movement leaders.


  • The goal of orientation Step #4 is to introduce the local church to the opportunities of Lay Pastor training and its benefits.

  • The introduction includes how to find the self-guided, on-line Student Orientation process and be able to point a potential student to the Student Orientation page.

  • The introduction includes communicating a person’s interest in Lay Pastor training with their Pastor, 2) registering with the College of Ministry, and 3) becoming familiar with the Lay Pastor curriculum, which includes the 6 courses required for the Lay Pastor’s Certificate.


  • The local church shares agenda harmony with wanting to be a non status-quo church. They choose to use Book One as a resource, studying and starting conversations about movement principles in their local church.

  • The pastor has read Book One, Chapter 7 and makes a commitment to intentionally begin to change the culture of the church with growing desire, believing prayer, faith and building agenda harmony.

  • The pastor is open to becoming involved in a Pastor’s Cohort with 6-8 other pastors for relationships, learning more about reproducing leaders, resources and renewal.

  • The local church is willing to link somewhere on their church website with one or more of the following MULTIPLYNAZ links:



    College of Ministry

Our desire is to serve you with excellence in any way we can. If we can do that better in some way, please let us know.