RAND Accountability Questions

The iClass Cohort 10-Questions

  1. Am I honoring God in my financial stewardship by tithing and saving?

  2. Am I nurturing my soul through daily time of prayer and Bible study?

  3. Am I being a good steward of my health by exercising regularly and maintaining a good diet? Being accountable for both exercise and weight goals?

  4. Am I being a good steward of my relationships at home? Have I been faithful to my spouse and children with my time and attention?

  5. Am I being a good steward of all my relationships? Is there a relationship that is stressed to the point of disharmony?

  6. What has God recently done in/through me to evidence that I am growing in grace and the mind of Christ?

  7. Am I nurturing purity of heart by maintaining guidelines for me and my family regarding the times and types of television we watch, internet usage, movies, video games, social media, and other forms of entertainment?

  8. Am I being used by God in benefiting the poor and oppressed of the world?

  9. Am I knowingly disobeying the clear will or law of God by either commission or omission?

  10. Am I dodging or deceiving the cohort regarding any of these questions?


“If we don’t answer these questions in the context of loving, accountable community, we probably don’t really answer them at all.”

                                                                                                - Howard A. Snyder