Pathway to Revitalize

As we study how churches revitalize, it seems clear the Pathway to Revitalize a church has similar steps used by church planters on the Pathway to Planting. Reviewing the best practices for local churches to follow has led to the discovery of the following seven steps as an effective Pathway to Revitalize. Across the years we have watched hundreds of church leaders who followed a similar revitalizing process.

We want more healthy, multiplying churches and better church leaders skilled in the process to revitalize a church.  This is why we encourage using the Pathway to Revitalize in Partner Churches and Partner Districts.  When properly followed, we believe 1) Prayer, 2) God’s Call, 3) Orientation, 4) Assessment, 5) Training, 6) Church Development Plan and 7) Cohorts & Mentors will make a long-term difference in the quality of church revitalizing on Partner Districts.  The R.AN.D. Project developed by Dr. Stan Reeder is an exceptional training and cohort tool that hundreds of Nazarene churches are now using.

Revitalizing Readiness Assessment

We have designed an Assessment tool to help churches prepare themselves for the revitalizing process. To download the Revitalizing Readiness Assessment for use in your local church, click here.

We are committed to assisting you with resources to aid you along your own pathway to revitalize. SO MUCH is at stake. Our prayers are with you!