High Impact Church Planting Project - USA/Canada

Mission: "developing high-capacity, multiplying leaders.”

Vision: 100,000 new believers that live on mission

Values: Guided by Four Values

Accountability & Leader: Rev. Mark Bane, Director of Evangelism Ministries & New Church Development

USA/Canada Region, Church of the Nazarene

Includes: Organic churches, Multi-Congregational, Cowboy, Small, Intermediate, Large 250-499, Large 500-899Multi-Site & K-church congregations

High impact church planting includes and EMBRACES all types, sizes and models of churches

We're now simply adding a new focus on 100 new large church plants

A high-impact church multiplication culture embraced by every leader in every-size of church

10 Residency Churches graduating 2 High-Capacity Planters annually

100 High-Capacity Planters Placed/Coached in the Next 10 Years

50 High-Capacity Campus Pastors Multiplying in Multi-Site Churches

25 Large Church Leader Mentors

100 Large Church Emerging Leaders

100 Partner Churches

50 Nazarene District Partners

Watch a Video - High Impact Church Launch


We recognize the importance of raising up high capacity leaders. We are committed to developing and empowering leaders that will plant high impact, world changing churches


We are humble and teachable. We are developing leaders that enter into residency programs to equip them for success. 



We network and surround ourselves with leaders that are several steps ahead of us. We partner with networks and coaches to maximize our learning.