Our Guiding Principles


Guiding Principles

Everything hinges on the leader.

An empty seat is a serious matter.

A high view of the church.

Humility and teachability – we will learn from everyone to move us forward, practioners, theologians, business leaders, everyone!  Everyone has something to teach us.

Everybody wins when the leader gets better.

Multiplication matters because reaching the lost is so important.

Building a sustainable culture.

We are a learning organization.

Learn from others doing this well.

No church left behind. – we not only focus on multiplying large churches but we celebrate all kinds of churches!  Because every church size can be involved in multiplication!

A win for one is a win for all!  We will not be focused on only one district.  As Partners we embrace and practice a vision that when one District wins, every District wins!  This is why we send planters, resources and help plant churches on Districts other than our own.

Always think and act like a Wesley, not a Whitefield.